build your own boat regatta
The temecula boat regatta title is up for grabs. your team needs to build and captain a 2 man vessel, the captain will be under 18 years of age and the first-mate. Wobbly club build your own boat the absar fundraising event the wobbly club build your own boat regatta will the antigua & barbuda marine association is. Build your own boat at the aruba international regatta. the 6th annual aruba international regatta takes place 15, 16 and 17 august at the surfside beach, aruba..

Build your own boat regatta. friday, august 12th 6:30-9:00pm community recreation center fee: $10/boat. register here. the temecula boat regatta title is up for grabs.. Rrrrrr mateys! build your own boat regatta docks at the crc. Each craft will be sailed with four sailors aboard. every sailor must wear a life preserver while aboard the craft. the regatta will be staged with two heats in each.